Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hello my fearless readers. I've converted this blog to a weekly challenge with some friends.

Check it out at:

It's way better.

Monday, March 7, 2011

3/7/11 - Reflections

So, one month gone. Unfortunately, as you probably can tell, I didn't get to do a full month of new things. Though I tried, it just got to be too much. And, to top it all off, I had a really busy month at work.

It was a good experiment, though. And now that I think about it, there were new restaurants and foods that I never tried before and I just didn't blog about it because I had already blogged about a new food or restaurant. For example, I went to a new tea cafe, I tried almond butter for the first time, etc. And, if you can tell, I finished my last new experience on March 6, 6 days late.

But with that said, I feel like I failed trying to do so much.

3/6/11 - Watch the Godfather

I'm ashamed! I haven't seen the Godfather. So I took 3 hours to finally see the movie people regard as one of the greatest movies of all time.

And it was awesome.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2/18/11 - Solve a Rubik's cube part 2.


Just kidding. It was only one side, which was huge, but then I can't figure out how to get the other sides without mucking up the one side I have.

I'm going to try and figure it out without going to Youtube and watching the tutorials.

I'll figure it out.

Rubik, you and you're cube are going down! Someday.

2/18/11 - Solve a Rubik's cube part 1.

I've always wanted to and never have. So I'm going to spend today trying it.

No, it's not done. This is how they come out of the box. As if the Rubik company of torture is like, this is how it's supposed to look like, you pathetic soul.

This is after I messed it up, and junk.

2/8/11 - Cook a delicious meal.

I think I've had a few forays into cooking, but I don't think I've ever actually followed a recipe and made something that tasted the way it was supposed to. And since Valentines Day was approaching, I thought it would be a good idea to surprise my girlfriend with a home cooked, delicious meal.

On the menu:

- Steak filet with roasted brussel sprouts drizzled with a maple syrup vinaigrette.

Sounds pretty good, eh?

The only problem was, Trader Joe's was out of brussel sprouts. Can you believe it?

So the new menue became:

- Steak filet with garlic cauliflower mash.

A fine second option, I'd say.

And after some typical freakout moments, like when the mashed cauliflowers weren't mashing quite the way I expected with the immersion blender, it turned out really well! Check out the pics.


Garlic cauliflower mash.

The final product.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

2/6/11 - Eat Something That I've Never Had Before

A little background. I was on my second day of this month of trying new things, and I had no idea what I was going to do. Maybe I should have planned this month out a little better...

It was Super Bowl Sunday, and I knew I had to be creative. I couldn't take a whole day and figure something out, there was football to watch!

I was in Trader Joe's, trying to think of something I could eat that I've never tried before. The vegetables looked pretty tame. Maybe a spicy pepper would do. Although, in High School, I shoved a jalapeno pepper down my gullet and almost passed out... So I couldn't even fall back on this familiar and hated rival.

Walking through the store, I couldn't find anything that really stood out. This was, Trader Joe's after all. Not an inconspicuous bodega in Chinatown.

But then, in the cheese area, I saw a little plastic container. In it, was a little white glob submerged in an opaque milky liquid. It reminded me of the biological specimens that we used to dissect in biology class. I gagged just thinking about the consistency and I knew that this would do for my project.

The packaging was in Italian, but it said it was Buffalo Mozzarella.

Though I've eaten mozzarella plenty of times, and I'm sure this is exactly how conventional mozzarella is packaged, seeing it this way made me disgusted. This challenge was going to became more about overcoming a fear than anything else. So I bought it the thing.

And as if it knew what I thought about it, the mozzarella spit some of its liquid out at me when I broke the crease of the lid.

Oh, is this how it's going to be. You're not going to go down without a fight, are you?

I poured out some of the cheese's watery bath so that I could more easily get to the heart of things. When I cut into the cheese with a dull knife, the rubbery rind broke after some resistance and exposed the soft inside. With the liquid, the rubbery rind, and the inside that resembled cottage cheese, I thought that if anything this cheese was in need of a product redesign. Stat.

But, after all that, when I ate it, the cheese tasted pretty good.

Like I said before, this challenge became less about what I was eating and more about eating something that, quite frankly, scared me.